弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


学生 in the Department of 数学 acquire a broad background in pure and applied mathematics and learn how to analyze and solve problems. In the junior and senior years, students choose mathematics courses relevant to their career goals and interests.



The most flexible of our degree options. 它确保了一个全面的, well-rounded curriculum of foundational courses in analysis and algebra, while allowing the student the largest range of choices at the advanced level. 相应的, students find the traditional option great preparation for graduate study, and it can also be adapted to a wide range of careers.

Applied Computational Option (ACM)

This option focuses on advanced courses in numerical analysis, 科学计算, 微分方程. This reflects its original development in collaboration with engineers, 但如果事实是, these required courses are the course mathematical concepts behind a wide and growing collection of applied sciences.


Techniques which employ combinatorics and discrete mathematics are being used in almost every area where mathematical computations are found. In response to this area's increased importance and utility, the Department developed the Applied Discrete 数学 (ADM) option, in which the student is given exposure to fundamental ideas and techniques in discrete mathematics and combinatorics. Since computers are central in these applications we also require the students in this option to develop a strong foundation in 计算机科学.


A five-year program that leads to a 理学学士 degree in 数学 (after the fourth year) and a Master of Arts in Education degree (第五年以后). The program is designed to prepare future teachers of mathematics in secondary grades 6-12. The program is open to all students admitted into the Department of 数学. 学生 who have graduated from our program have received numerous awards, 奖学金, and recognition for their excellence in teaching mathematics, 比如  爱德华一个. 安德森奖学金, which our students have won six years in a row.


  • 精算师
  • 软件工程师
  • 数据分析师
  • 顾问
  • 老师
  • 数学家
  • 系统工程师
  • 金融分析师
  • 科学家
  • 市场研究
  • 研究工程师
  • 网络安全
  • 数据科学
  • 数据处理
  • 数学建模
  • 图像处理
